Technology Research

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Specialized consultants report on technology around the world

Specialized consultants report on technology around the world

At International Interface, we identify cutting-edge technology possessed by start-up companies, focusing on Silicon Valley, and covering Europe, Israel, India, Japan, Korea, and other countries throughout the world, and deliver a report containing intelligence of value to your company.


The surveys are conducted by consultants with wide-ranging knowledge and experience, including former heads of major venture capital firms, veterans of investment divisions at companies, and team with backgrounds in technology development at leading corporations. Our team members explain clearly the technological background and technical strengths of start-up companies, as well as trends in technological development at domestic companies, venture companies, universities and other research institutions, in addition to carrying out management and marketing oriented surveys.

Furthermore, we offer research customized to our clients’ business needs, including commodities and technology information aimed at new product development, due diligence for strategic investment alliances, and cultivation of new markets. Leading Japanese companies, JETRO, domestic research institutions, and venture capital firms are counted among the numerous clients served by International Interface.

We can meet these needs!

If you...


  • need to know technology trends of start-ups around the world
  • need to discover materials and technologies for new product development
  • need to perform due diligence for strategic investment

What we can do for you

What we can do for you

International Interface is a team of consultants well-versed in technologies and business. We range from engineers who have carried out research and development in technology development divisions of major companies to staff with experience in business strategy in corporate planning divisions.


Moreover, our network that links us to technology consultants in various countries enables you to get access to technology information available only at local sites.


We make reports on technology information offering true value to the client, interweaving unique analyses and the insights of our consultants.

Track record of technology research

  • Technology of next-generation communication and wireless sensor network
  • Mobile phone components technology
  • Communication module technology
  • Smart-grid-related technology
  • Environment-conscious display technology
  • Touch panel and touch sensor technology
  • Hydrogen/fuel cell technolog
  • Thin film solar cell and thin film cell technology
  • Next-generation lithium-ion battery technolog
  • Wireless charging technology
  • Character and voice recognition technology for mobile phones
  • Multiaxis accelerometer and magnetometer technology
  • Force feedback technology
  • Biometrics technology
  • Cloud technology

Related service

Strategic Investment  
Strategic Investment
Our consulting service encompasses customized solutions such as corporate investments and strategic alliances.

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